Oxygen Therapies
O3 Ozone and Hyperbaric Oxygen (HBOT) Benefits in the Treatment of
Crohn's Disease, Severe Ulerative Colitis and other Gastro Intestinal Diseases
Therapeutic Indication
The modern development of ozone application in medicine began in the 1950s in Europe and gradually spread throughout Europe to Australia, Israel, Cuba, Brazil and Columbia. As far back as World War I, ozone was used medically to treat wounds and other infections. Over 5000 physicians worldwide routinely use ozone in their medical practice.
I have personally used ozone in my own practice for over 16 years and found it to be an effective therapy. There is virtually no known side effect of ozone treatment if it is applied properly and is administered by a trained practitioner.
Specific therapeutic applications of ozone include treatment of vascular disease such as stroke, arteriosclerosis, cancer, acute and chronic viral diseases, ulcers, infected wounds, gangrenes, burns, inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and spinal disc problems.
Hyperbaric Oxygenation as a part of the Treatment of Chronic Ulcero Hemorrhagic Colitis
Karkmov M, Nikolov N, Georgiev L, Mitreva D, Uzunova A Vutr Boles 1991 30:2 78-80
34 patients with chronic ulcerohemorrhagic colitis in exacerbation were treated with hyperbaric oxygenation in addition to the routine therapy. The total course of treatment included 10-12 seances with 60-75 min. exposition each.
All patients improved significantly after the first 5-6 seances. The results of the treatment back up the use of hyperbaric oxygenation in the treatment of chronic ulcero hemorrhagic colitis.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for severe ulcerative colitis.
Buchman AL, Fife C, Torres C, Smith L, Aristizibal J.
Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,
Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, Illinois 60611, USA.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been used to successfully treat perineal Crohn's disease. We describe the first successful use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the treatment of ulcerative colitis, refractory to conventional therapies. Therapy consisted of 30 courses of 100% oxygen at a pressure of 2.0 atm absolute.
Clinical remission was achieved on the basis of the Truelove-Witts and disease activity index scores. Corticosteroids were successfully tapered off once remission was achieved.
Application of O3 Ozone Therapy in Ulcerative Colitis
Hernández J., Llanio R. and Ávila L.
We report the preliminary results in the treatment of Ulcerative Idiopathic Colitis and Crohn Disease using ozone by intramuscular and intra-rectal ways of administration. The main objective was to describe the ozone action in those pathologies. An OZOMED equipment made in the Ozone Research Center (Cuba) was used.
A group of 10 patients of ulcerative idiopathic colitis and 10 patients with Crohn disease were studied during two years. The gas was applied in cycles of 30 applications, twice per year and at ozone concentrations between 30 - 40 mg/L.
Important signs and symptoms, like diarrhea with mucus and blood, intestinal pain, articular inflammation, disappeared in the first year of treatment, in both pathology, in more than 75 % of patients treated. The patients gained body weight and had a higher health quality.
O3 Ozone - Ulcerative Colitis
Ozone insufflated rectally is the most effective treatment for inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, pancolitis, amebiasis, procto-sigmoiditis, intestinal tuberculosis, diverticulitis, fistulas, fissures and abscesses, irritable bowel syndrome and hemorrhoids.
[Ozone therapy combined with sulfasalazine delivered via a colon therapy system for treatment of ulcerative colitis].
To assess the therapeutic effect of ozone therapy combined with sulfasalazine sulfasalazine delivered via a colon therapy system in the treatment of distal ulcerative colitis.
This prospective randomized controlled clinical trial involved 54 patients with mild to moderate active distal ulcerative colitis, who were randomize into 3 groups in accordance with the inclusion criteria (n=18). Each group was given sulfasalazine at the daily dose of 2 g, and in colon therapy group and ozone therapy plus sulfasalazine therapy group, sulfasalazine was delivered via a colon therapy system on a daily basis; the control group received sulfasalazine via retention enema only. At 0, 2, and 4 weeks of the treatment, colonoscopy was performed to evaluate the disease activity, and biopsy samples were obtained at 0 and 4 weeks for histological examination.
In comparison with colon therapy group and control group, ozone therapy plus colon therapy resulted in more rapid alleviation of the clinical symptoms and better histological improvement without any adverse effects.
Ozone therapy combined with sulfasalazine delivered via a colon therapy system is feasible and effective for treatment of ulcerative colitis.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis
Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease are inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), that tend to be hereditary and affect approximately 1 in 100 people mostly adults between 20 and 40. In around 10% of cases, it is not possible for doctors to distinguish between ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.
Ulcerative colitis affects the rectum and variable amounts of the rest of the colon (the large bowel or intestine). Crohn’s disease, can affect any part of the digestive tract from the mouth to the anus. They usual flare-up with diarrhoea and abdominal pain, then settles down again, although it is possible to have a single attack of the condition. In severe cases perianal wounds are common as well as internal fistulas and fissures with risk of perforation within skin, bladder, vagina and other parts of bowel.
Common denominator is regional inflammation, local low blood supply (ischemia) and low oxygenation usually complicated with bacterial infection. Therapy may include corticosteroids, immunosuppressive drugs, pain medications and surgery.
The benefit of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis:
Increased oxygen delivery to all body tissues and reduced inflammation
Better oxygenation of the area around the wounds and fistulas triggers healing response and wound closure
Reduced pain and intake of pain medications
Reduced mental and physical stress
Improving restoration of bowel’s flora
Improved elimination of toxins and washout of the metabolic products
Eliminating bacteria and infection as well as increasing the effect of antibiotics
Enhancing the effect of medication (metronidazole)
Case report: Ulcerative colitis
A 23 year old female diagnosed with ulcerative colitis for the past 4 years who developed three perianal wounds refractory to conservative treatment with wide spectrum antibiotics and metronidazole, as well as surgical treatment colostomy and ileostomy with failed skin flap followed by a large weight loss. She has been taking analgetics on a regular basis.
When she started HBOT all medications except analgetics had been cut off by her physician as non-effective and no other treatment was suggested. HBOT became her “last resource.”
HBOT was administered daily in a monoplace hyperbaric oxygen chamber at a pressure of 2.5 ATA for 90 minutes. In parallel electrical stimulation was applied to both gluteus muscles for 30 minutes three times a week to stimulate muscle work and improve deep wound draining.
After an initial course of 20 sessions the smallest of three wounds closed and there was no more in duration in perianal area. The first significant sign of improvement in pain and less discharge occurred after 28 hyperbaric sessions. After 44 sessions the second wound healed completely and the last third wound closed by the end of session 67 . No side effects of therapy was noted.
At the end of the therapy course, which which included 35 sessions of electrical stimulation as well as application of topical hydrogel dressing, we confirmed closure of all perianal lesions, significant improvement in quality of life presented with PCDI from 13 to 4. She was pain free and stopped with analgetics after 3 years of daily usage. She is able to work full time sedentary job and has recently been promoted.
At three months follow-up all wounds remain closed.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy used in conjunction with electrical stimualtion provided an effective treatment for severe perianal ulcerative colitis.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for severe ulcerative colitis.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been used to successfully treat perineal Crohn's disease. We describe the first successful use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the treatment of ulcerative colitis, refractory to conventional therapies. Therapy consisted of 30 courses of 100% oxygen at a pressure of 2.0 atm absolute.
Clinical remission was achieved on the basis of the Truelove-Witts and disease activity index scores. Corticosteroids were successfully tapered off once remission was achieved.
Effect of hyperbaric oxygen on experimental acute distal colitis.
Source: Department of General Surgery, Gülhane Military Medical Academy, Gülhane School of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey.
It has been demonstrated that hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) is useful as an adjunctive therapy for Crohn's disease. However, its effects on ulcerative colitis have not been investigated. In the present study, HBO was tested for acetic acid-induced colitis, and antioxidant systems were evaluated to clarify its possible mode of action.
Thirty-six Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into three groups: sham control (Group I), colitis induced by acetic acid without any therapy (Group II), colitis induced by acetic acid and treated with HBO (Group III). HBO was given for 5 days, 2 sessions per day at 2.5-fold absolute atmosphere pressure (ATA) for a period of 90 min in rats in which colitis had been induced (Group III).
Rats were sacrificed on the 5th day after the procedure. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), malondialdehyde (MDA) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH Px) activity were measured in the intestinal tissue and erythrocyte lysate. MDA and GSH Px were also determined in the plasma. Whereas MDA levels in erythrocyte, plasma and intestinal tissue were decreased, the levels of GSH Px and SOD were significantly increased in Group III as compared to those of Group II.
The results of our study suggest that hyperbaric oxygen therapy has beneficial effects on the course of experimental distal colitis and that antioxidant systems may be involved in its mode of action.
A.A. Gluchov, A.A. Andreev
State medical academy of Voronezh, Russia
The authors conducted the study of efficiency of the intra-intestinal ozone dialysis and intra-portal
ozone therapy in the complex treatment of peritonitis. Safety and high efficiency of the developed methods were confirmed through realization of experimental followings.
The clinical approbation of the intestinal dialysis with ozone and intra-portal ozone therapy has confirmed the most possibilities of indicated methods in liquidation of syndromes of intestinal and hepatic insufficiency.
S.D. Karataev, V.A. Maximov, A.L. Chernyshov
Moscow, Russia
Ozone has been applied in the treatment of 290 patients with duodenal ulcer. High efficiency of the given method on attitudes Helicobacter pylori is shown. Significant decrease in the quantity of
relapses in current of three years after the treatment is marked. Any complications were not
V.P. Deputatov, O.V. Drozdov
Department of Fundamental Medical Knowledge and Health Protection of Children,
State Teacher-Training University, Shuja, Russia
73 patients suffering from peptic ulcer (aged from 18 to 60; 41 men and 23 women) were taken for observation. Psycho-physiological functions of 12 practically healthy persons were taken under control too.
In the course of treatment, when pain disappeared, and at the end of treatment, particularly, it was found statistically true that the amplitude of skin-galvanic reaction diminished too; in spite of the fact that the period of time for latent reaction was not radically changed you can see a decrease in the so-called "indicators incoherence" of reaction time; the indices of attention improved statistically true;
the amplitude of tremor decreased; insignificant increase of critical frequency of light gleams merging (in 3-4 cycle per second) though it was not statistically proved, together with other indicators confirmed the improvement of psycho-physiological parameters of patients suffering from peptic ulcer.
S.V. Muratov, V.I. Andruhin, A.V. Zatachaev, G.I. Gnelitzky, A.G. Artemenko, A.N. Serova, S.M. Borodachev
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
In the complex treatment of the patients with the bowel illnesses there was used the method of
irrigation with the later adsorbent injection in the bowel cavity and taking biological preparations.
The patients group consisted of 52 people. The diagnosis of the illness was based on the results of the common instrumental inspection including FGDS, rectoromanoscopy, colonoscopy,
All the patients were divided into three groups:
a) with the functional bowel illnesses (syndrome of the irritated intestine -18 (34,6%),
b) with the inflammation bowel illnesses (chronic catarrh proctitis -8 (15,4%/ chronic catarrh proctosigmoidit -20 (38,5%),
с) with the anomaly of the bowel development (dolichosygma –6 (11,5%).
With the bowel illness one could observe:
- the pain syndrome 88,4% (46) cases
- constipation 55,7% (29)
- meteorism 52,0% (27)
- rumbling in the bowels 42,3% (22)
- diarrhea19,2%(10)
- constipation and diarrhea 23% (12)
- palpate bowel pain 73,0% (38)
- common weakness 36,5% (19).
The bowel irrigation was done 5 days each day, by gradual injection in the bowel till the spleen
angle a special probe with the simultaneous giving and getting through it (in portions of 1,5 liter)
herbal broth (chamomile, St. Johns wort, mint) up to 30 liter. With the later adsorbent polyphepan injection through the probe. The biological preparations such as: colybacterini, lactobacterini, bifidum bacterini were used through mouth. The period of treatment consisted of 12+/-1,5 days.
To the moment of the discharge the pain syndrome disappeared in 87% (40 patients), constipation 89% (26 patients), meteorism 78,3% (18 patients), rumbling in the bowels 76,4% (19 patients), diarrhea 80% (8 patients), common weakness 94% (18 patients), constipation and diarrhea 83,4% (10 patients), palpate bowel pain 89,4% (34 patients). During the bowel irrigation there were not observed any cases of complication.
The method was effective: 88,9% (16 people) - the 1st group patients; 85,8% (24 people) - the 2nd group patients; 83,4% (5 people) - the 3d group patients. The use of the bowel irrigation with the herbal broth and adsorbent injections in the complex treatment allowed:
1. To cut off the pathological symptoms of the bowel illnesses in 85,7% cases.
2. To achieve the positive effect in the treatment of patients with the bowel illnesses in 12+/-1,5 days.
S.A. Kasumjan, A.D. Lelyanov, V.Y. Smirnov, E.D. Guseva
The effectiveness of ozone therapy has been studied in the complex treatment of 52 patients with gastric and duodenal ulcer. The mixture of ozone and oxygen (OOM) and distilled water enriched by ozone (O3) were used in their treatment. The intragastric method of injecting of OOM was used during 3-5 days, at first every day, then in 1-2 days till the formation of the cicatrice. The patients were also given the O3. In 3-5 days of the treatment the aches abated.
* In 6-8 days the contamination of helicobacter in the gastric mucous considerably decreased, morphologically there was a sharp decrease in neutrophile degenerative changes in the bioptates of the ulcer and the proliferation of the fibroblasts increased.
* The ozone therapy was contributed to the shortening of the treatment course of the ulcer disease.
V.A. Maksimov, S.D. Karataev, A.L. Chernyshov, V.I. Zaicev
The method of ozone therapy (OT) was used in the treatment of ulcerous disease of duodenum in 95 people. Ozone therapy was used as intravenous infusions of ozonized solution isotonic NaCl
three times a day with the doses of ozone 3 mg/l and administration of ozonized water (200 ml)
once a day with the dose of ozone 7 mg/l.
During the treatment we have seen the processes of reparation, which were manifested by increasing of the height of epithelial cells of gastric and duodenal mucous, by decreasing of infiltration of gastric and duodenal mucous, by neutrophile granulocyte and plasmocytes.
* The combination of ozone therapy and bismuth preparations leads to the stimulation of reparative processes and antihelycobacter effect, which appeared in 87% and 89% of cases.
* But the use of denol and bismofalk without Ozone Thera[y results in its disappearance in 35- 40% of cases.
* And therefore the use of Ozone Therapy T is effective in the treatment of ulcerous disease of duodenum.
* It is necessary to study the influence of different methods of Ozone Therapy in ulcerous disease.
S.V. Andosov, N.I. Nicolaev, B.V. Sarancev, O.V. Maslennicov
Nizhny Novgorod
There were treated 30 patients (10 men and 20 women) at the age from 20 to 71 years 13 persons of which had chronic gastritis of B type, antral form, 10 persons with diffuse chronic gastritis of B type and 7 persons with ulcerous disease; the duration of disease ranged from 2 to 30 years.
The treatment consisted of daily intake of ozonized water and ozonized oil, intravenous injection of ozonized physiological solution and procedures of minor autohaemotherapy by ozonized blood. By the end of 3-4-weeks of treatment the improvement in all patients was marked.
* The clinical improvement was confirmed by dynamic endoscopic and cytomorphological investigation.
* Thus, the first results of ozone application have shown that it is a rather effective method of treatment of patients with chronic gastritis and ulcerous disease.
O3 Ozone Therapy of a Duodenum Ulcerous Disease.
Kulyoshina N.V., Kiseloyova S.V., Fatichov R.R., Peretyagin S.P., Kostina O.V., Kuleshin V.N. and Struchkov A.A. (Russia)
The modern treatment schemes for the ulcerous disease permit to achieve an ulcer healing in not more than 70 - 89 % of patients in a period of 25 - 45 days and with a recurrence frequency in 50 - 60 % of patients.
The different antibacterial medications (in high doses) are used for the eradication of Helicobacter pylori. Different side effects have been reported with the used of these treatment schemes, besides the resistance of Helicobacter pylori to certain antibiotics.
We have treated 44 patients, with duodenum ulcerous disease, using ozone therapy, under the pro- and antioxidant system control by a method of chemoluminiscense. The evolution time of the disease was from 7 to 11 years.
Pains were observed in 76 % of cases, heartburn in 33 %, constipations in 31 %, sleep disturbances in 60 % before ozone therapy. According to the ulcer fibrogastroduodenoscopy data, the duodenal bulbs were predominantly localized on the anterior wall in 39 % of patients. In 72 % of patients the ulcerous disease was associated with Helicobacter pylori.
The scheme of treatment included to drink ozonized mineral water, two times per day, in an empty stomach, using a volume of 400 - 500 mL, at an ozone concentration of 2 mg/L, when an expressed painful syndrome existed, and further on with an ozone concentration of 0.5 mg/L After taking the ozonized water, patients drank 25 - 30 mL of ozonized olive oil. Besides, all the patients have been intravenously infused with 200 mL of an ozonized physiological saline solution, 3 times a week with an ozone dose of 100 - 120 µg during 3 weeks.
The used of this ozone therapy treatment permitted to achieve an ulcer epithelisation in 8 - 10th days.
The ulcers were healing without the coarse cicatrix forming and were not accompanied by an expressed deformation of the duodenal bulb. Helicobacter pylori eradication took place in 82 % of clinical observations.
No deviations of the organism antioxidant systems were observed.